Webdevlist.net - The Developer's Resource Collection

I just put up a new project of mine, which is called Webdevlist.

So what is Webdevlist?

I’m pretty sure most developers know it all too well: you browse Twitter, Reddit or Stackoverflow on a late Sunday evening and come across some cool programming framework or webservice. You think like “Wow that’s cool! Could be helpful some time. I need to remember it.” Then you put the link anywhere in a messy text file or the like and never visit it again. Webdevlist’s aim is to become a comprehensive, community-maintained collection of useful resources concerning software development. Such could include frameworks and libraries for any language, devtools, software applications, apps, webservices like PaaS, SaaS or IaaS and also learning resources like guides and tutorials. Everytime you find a cool tool on the web, just post it to the list. Everytime you’re looking for a tool to help you with your development problems come visit the list. Easy enough.

Tech facts

Webdevlist’s frontend is built with Angular2, which just has had its first final release. The backend makes use of LoopbackJS, which is a mighty framework to build REST APIs with a minimum of boilerplate code. Additionally the site is powered by HTTP/2.0 to get some more speed.

Is it finished, yet?

No, it isn’t. Actually, it probably never will be. I’m continuously going to add new technology to Webdevlist’s stack and change and refactor things. Currently I’m considering to switch to GraphQL. Right now, Webdevlist is in some kind of beta state, meaning that it still might have bugs.

I’d really appreciate to get feedback on this project!

>> Webdevlist.net
>> Webdevlist on GitHub